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Friday, March 11, 2011

The only Beatles cover I actually like

In true Finding Jupiter fashion, I'm doing my two Beatles posts back-to-back.

I've always hated Beatles covers. Usually, they suck---whether they try to reimagine the song (the whole "Across the Universe" movie, which I couldn't stand) or just copy it (Eddie Veder's "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away").

There's just something about the Beatles that you can't copy---as the Golden Standard for rock, maybe there's just no way to do it right.

But there's ONE Beatles cover that I love: The Vines' version of "I'm Only Sleeping," from the "I Am Sam" soundtrack.

The original was way ahead of its time, anticipating the psychedelia that was just around the corner. Sure, it made the song visionary, but it also kept the Beatles from pushing it as far as it could go.

With all the benefit of a few decades of musical development, the Vines take it and do wonders. I honestly think the Beatles would be proud. But you can judge for yourself:


Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm so tired, and the Beatles

One of the great things about the Beatles (sorry, Taylor) is that, no matter what mood you're in, chances are that you can find a Beatles song that fits it perfectly.

Right now, I'm exhausted. Final projects. No sleep. Etc. John Lennon said it best:

I'm so tired
I don't know what to do.
I'd give you everything I've got
For a little peace of mind.

Yes, there's also a frustrated-romance component to "I'm So Tired," but I just love the way it feels--exhaustion combined with angst combined with a touch of insanity. Such a classic, and a great companion to "I'm Only Sleeping" (expect a post on that from me some other time, perhaps).
